1. Navigation und Dashboard

  2. Betriebseinstellungen und Stammdaten

    1. Einstellungen
    2. Optionen im Einstellungen-Menü
    3. Kulturen
      1. Kultur anlegen
      2. Kulturenliste
      3. Bearbeiten der Kultur-Details
    4. Schläge
      1. Schlagübersicht – Schläge, Parzellen und Beete
      2. Beete-Übersicht
      3. Beet-Detailansicht
      4. Beete-Belegung mit geplanten Sätzen
      5. Sätze auf dem Beet bearbeiten
  3. Anbau-Kalender

    1. Sätze anlegen
    2. Anbaukalender Filtern & Sortieren
    3. Den Anbauplan bearbeiten
      1. Sätze verschieben – Kulturzeitänderungen per Drag and Drop
      2. Kalenderwochen-Statistik
      3. Satzübersicht öffnen
      4. Satz-Details bearbeiten
    4. Satz-Aktionen und Bulk-Verarbeitung
    5. Mengenplanung
  4. Aufgaben-Kalender

    1. Ansichten (Monat, Wochen, Tage)
      1. Monatsansicht
      2. Wochenansicht
      3. Tagesansicht
    2. Aufgaben
    3. Aufgaben-Kalender filtern
    4. Aufgaben im Kalender verschieben
  5. Daten

    1. Ernteerfassung und Lieferung
      1. Ernteerfassung
      2. Lieferung
    2. Warenlager
      1. Artikelnummer – Kategorie, Ware und Artikel
      2. Artikelliste (Stammdaten)
      3. Bestandsliste
    3. Kundenverwaltung
      1. Mitglieder/Kunden anlegen und bearbeiten
      2. Abholort anlegen
      3. Anteilstypen/Abos anlegen
    4. Saatgutlager
      1. Saatgutinventur einrichten
      2. Saatgut- und Jungpflanzen-Bestellung
    5. Dokumentation und Statistik
  6. App-Informationen und Hilfe

  7. Smartphone-App für den Anbauplaner

    1. Installation auf dem Smartphone
    2. Statusleiste – Konnektivität und Aktualisierbarkeit
    3. Navigationsleiste und Optionenmenü
    4.  Aufgaben-Kalender
    5.  Aufgaben-Wochensicht:
    6.  Schlagansicht
    7.  Ernteerfassung
    8. Arbeitszeiterfassung
  8. Rechtliche Informationen

    1. Impressum

The navigation bar of the program is displayed at the top of the screen. The buttons on the bar give you access to the main areas (from left to right: Dashboard, Crop Calendar and Task Calendar, Planning and Data Menu), operational and user settings. These functional areas are described in separate chapters of the manual. The year switcher is used to select the plan year you want to view/edit.

To the right of this is the Wizard button (magic wand) and the name of the currently called program area.

On the far right of the bar you will find the language selection, the info menu and the logout button.

Navigation bar functions:

 The Magic Wand opens the Wizard, for learning and repeating short videos on all basic operating functions of the program. The button shows a number in a red circle until each step is completed.

Clicking the button opens the wizard window. Your progress is displayed at the top, each completed step results in a green leaf. The steps can be done in any order and repeated at any time. “Optional” steps are not relevant for all types of farms and maybe can be skipped. New starters are recommended to go through all steps from top to bottom.

To perform a step, click on it and read the short description. If a video is displayed (not for steps 1 and 2), click on it to start. If there are still questions after the video, click on “user manual” – the link will directly show the appropriate chapter when the manual is opened in a browser-window. According to the respective step in the wizard the program sections will be changed as well.

Click on “Perform now” in the upper right corner to just perform the shown step yourself.

Open the wizard again at the top of the bar and select the next step, to continue.

Exit the wizard with the “Close” or “Do not show again” buttons.

Use the language selector to display the program in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish language.

In the info menu, on the right side of the bar, the current program version and the currently logged in user are displayed at the top. Underneath you can send us a message by clicking on “Feedback”.

Help: Use the links to the user manual and the FAQ. If any questions remain unanswered, book one of our training sessions or a personal consultation.

To access the smartphone app, click on the mobile app menu item.

You can also go to our social media sites here or read the legal provisions by clicking on the link to the imprint and data protection agreement, terms and conditions and licenses.

The “Logout” button exits the program (all changes are saved).

After logging in, the dashboard opens as the start screen of the program and by clicking on the “Home” button on the far left of the navigation bar

The dashboard’s topic cards, with links to mobile version for smartphone use and links to crop plan, task calendar, documentation/statistics sections, contain practical information and the latest news from your farm.

If, for example, one or more set plans are incomplete, the “Crop planning” card indicates this.
Clicking on the link will take you to the crop calendar, where the relevant sets will be displayed for you to edit.

The “Release” card displays important information and changes to the current program version.

On the “Electronic scale” card, click on the link to get to the description of the scale technology and instructions for connecting the scale to the Permarobotics app and the micro-farm-planner.